
The Best Resources & Books for Christian Marriage

The complete list of the best books for Christian marriage. Read on if you’re preparing for or looking to improve your marriage.

Engagement ring on leather Bible and the words "The Best Books for Christian  Marriage"

If you know me, then you know I love to learn. I’m always reading and have a list written out of all the books I want to read in the future. Organized lists bring me tons of joy, so the books are separated out into various categories. Some of these categories include: Christianity, marriage, health, cooking and baking, homesteading, pregnancy and birth, and parenting. One of the main reasons I like to organize my to-be-read books like this is because I read with intention. I don’t just grab a random book off my bookshelf and begin reading it. I grab one that involves my current life stage or something I want/need to learn about in that season of life. Having an organized list helps me to keep track of the books that go with each of these seasons so that I can better plan on when to read them.

That may make me sound like a crazy person, but it really does help. I greatly value learning and want to learn as much as I can about the subjects I’m passionate about in an effective way. This is how I go about that.

Since I also find a lot of joy in other people’s book and resource recommendations, I wanted to share mine with you.

My Current Season

Right now, my life stage involves preparing for marriage in May. This is a huge thing that I don’t take lightly. It’s not just me getting to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. It’s us ministering to the world through our relationship and love for each other, and through the family and life we build together. Our world has lost sight of what marriage is in many ways. The Church has even lost sight of what marriage is according to the Bible. Healthy, Biblical marriages are more important than ever right now. We need them to remind people of what marriage is (and what it is not) and to help heal the world generationally. That’s why I plan to take the next seven months to read and learn as much as I can about marriage the way God intended it.

my recommendations

And with that, my first resource recommendation list will include all of the books and resources I have read or listened to or plan to read or listen to in regards to marriage. More specifically, all of my Christian marriage resources. There are a lot of marriage resources out there, but not all of them align with what the Bible says about marriage. I’ve included links so you can get your hands on these things too. I’d love to know if you are also in the engagement season, so comment down below letting me know!

books on Christian marriage

Here is a list of the books I have to read about marriage and Biblical roles for men and women. I know it looks like a lot, and I probably won’t finish all of these by the time I’m married. But I also think it’s important to read books like this during marriage too. It’s never too late to learn and improve. I’ve linked all of these books to Amazon. Some of them are a Kindle Unlimited book which means they are free on the Kindle app if you have Amazon Prime. I put an asterisk before the title of those books. Enjoy and let me know if you decide to read any of them!

on Christian marriage

for the Christian wife

for the christian husband

on love & intimacy in a christian marriage