
The Twelve Best Essential Oils for Beginners

essential oils with the words "the twelve best essential oils for beginners"

Are you interested in holistic health and essential oils but you don’t know where to start? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Read on to find out the twelve best essential oils for beginners and subscribe to my blog if you want to learn more!

Essential oils with the words "the twelve best essential oils for beginners."

Getting started with essential oils and holistic health can be overwhelming. I know because I was there a couple years ago. I was interested in essential oils, but I had no idea where to start. There were so many to choose from and they all did so many different things.

One thing I love about Young Living is that they make getting started super easy. All you have to do is grab a starter kit and you’re good to go. No thinking and deciding which oils to order when you want to get started. The Premium Starter Kit is my favorite because it comes with twelve oils (plus a few other goodies) that I think are the best to get started with. It has a lot of my go-tos and you pretty much get an oil for all of the basic needs.

Because you get twelve oils in this kit, it can still be a little overwhelming. So I wanted to walk you through each of these oils and hopefully take away a little bit of the overwhelm you may feel when your kit gets delivered. Let’s get into it.

the twelve best essential oils for beginners

one- lavender

Lavender. One of my favorite oils. It is one of the best oils to get started with because it’s good for so many different things. Some people call it the swiss army knife of oils because it is just so versatile. Here are some of the top things to note about Lavender:

  • has a sweet, floral aroma
  • can help to soothe & heal minor skin irritations and cuts
  • contains cleansing & antioxidant properties
  • helps to calm the nervous system, lower stress, and create a calm environment
  • improves sleep
  • promotes clear & smooth-looking skin

two- frankincense

Another oil that can do pretty much everything. This kit is a great way to get your hands on Frankincense. It isn’t a very cheap oil, so getting it in the Premium Starter Kit is a great way to get it without having to pay full price. Some of the best things about Frankincense are:

  • promotes healthy-looking skin & evens out the skin tone
  • helps to calm the nervous system & create feelings of tranquility
  • supports the immune system & general health
  • can soothe & heal minor skin irritations

three- lemon

One of my favorite oils. I love the smell. I love that it’s good for so many things. And I love that I can even ingest it if I wanted to too. We all know and love Lemon, but you probably didn’t know it was good for all these things:

  • contains antioxidants & cleansing properties
  • supports the immune system
  • provides circulatory support
  • takes off tough sticky residue very easily

four- peppermint

Another scent that we all know and love. Peppermint is a staple in my house and in my medicine cabinet for a number of reasons. The main reason is that it is one of the key players in my allergy lineup. Diffusing peppermint whenever I’m feeling a little congested or suffering from a headache is a game changer and brings such a great relief almost immediately. It’s also good for:

  • comforting an upset stomach
  • supporting a healthy gut
  • providing a cooling affect if you’re feeling hot

five- citrus fresh

This one is great because it gives you the benefits of all the citrus oils in one bottle. It’s a blend of Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Tangerine, Lemon, and Spearmint. This blend is great because it:

  • contains antioxidants
  • supports overall wellness
  • helps to increase energy
  • contains cleansing properties

six- digize

A great oil to have in your medicine cabinet for all the stomach issues. Digize is a blend of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli. Some of its benefits include:

  • helps support and cleanse the digestive system
  • can provide immune support
  • contains antioxidants

seven- thieves

Another great oil to have in your medicine cabinet. Thieves is the ultimate immune support oil. It’s a blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary, so not only does it support your body, but it also smells great, sort of like Christmas. The top benefits of this blend are:

  • immune support
  • cleanses the digestive system
  • contains cleaning properties
  • general wellness support
  • antioxidant properties

eight- panaway

Panaway is a great essential oil to have on hand if you’re prone to having sore muscles. Just roll some of it on and you will feel relief in a matter of minutes. This oil is a blend of Clove, Helichrysum, Peppermint, and Wintergreen. Its benefits are:

  • offers a refreshing, stimulating aroma
  • soothes sore and fatigued muscles
  • provides a cooling sensation when applied to the skin

nine- peace & calming

One of my favorite scents of all time. It’s the perfect combination of floral, citrus, and woodsy. I love diffusing this just to make my house smell good, but it’s also so good at relieving stress and creating a calm and cozy environment. It’s a blend of Blue Tansy, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli, and Ylang Ylang. It’s great for:

  • freshening the air
  • creating a peaceful environment
  • supporting the family during a busy day
  • creating a comforting, fresh, citrus aroma

ten- raven

An amazing blend to have on hand for whenever you have congested sinuses, a head cold, or a sore throat. It’s a blend of Ravintsara, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Peppermint, and Wintergreen. All the clearing oils. Raven’s benefits are:

  • a cool, minty, eucalyptus aroma
  • creates a cooling sensation when applied to the chest and throat
  • helps clear the respiratory system when inhaled or diffused

eleven- stress away

Another one of my favorite scents of all time. I even use it as a perfume because it smells so good. It’s a blend of Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Ocotea, and Lavender. Its benefits are:

  • a soothing and exotic aroma
  • creates a luxurious, spa-like ambience in your own home
  • makes a great addition to your favorite hair, skin, and body care products
  • has a relaxing aroma that’s well-rounded which makes it great for personal fragrance

twelve- valor

Again, a scent that I absolutely love. Valor is a blend of Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, and Geranium. It’s the perfect blend of earthy, floral, and woody. Its benefits are:

  • enhances the appearance of healthy-looking skin
  • features a positive aroma to inspire confidence and courage
  • creates a grounding and calming environment

That’s all of them. The twelve best essential oils for beginners. I hope that this list cleared up a little bit of your confusion surrounding essential oils and what they’re good for, and also helped to take away some of the overwhelm that comes with getting started with oils.

What makes it even better is that these twelve oils come in Young Living’s Premium Starter Kit like I said at the beginning of this post. That makes it even simpler. You don’t have to search for which oils you want to get started with and you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. The kit comes with everything you need and more. And if you buy it through this link you’ll be added to my Young Living community. I’ll get you plugged into all the resources and I’ll be there for you through every step of your essential oil journey.

That’s all for today! Let me know if you grab this kit. I’m so excited to help you along your holistic health journey! Share this post with anyone who you think would like it and would be interested in learning more about or getting started with essential oils!